By Enza Yoo
Ten seniors from Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, were installed as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at the opening of school Mass, offered by Kearney’s chaplain, Msgr. David Cassato and assisted by Deacon Dante Colandrea. Under the direction of Sister Rosemarie Figlia, C.S.J., Kearney’s campus minister, these girls attended a diocesan workshop explaining their responsibilities. Now, they will be able to distribute Communion at Kearney’s liturgical functions and in their own parishes, as well as to the homebound and those unable to attend Mass. Enza Yoo was one of these students and wrote the following reflection regarding her installation:
I had the remarkable opportunity to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
Ever since I was little, attending Mass was an enjoyment rather than an obligation. Singing songs, hearing the wondrous miracles Jesus performed and being able to show my love for God was something I never tired of doing.
When I finally received my first Holy Communion, I was ecstatic. I knew that being able to receive Jesus’ Body and Blood would bring me closer to Him.
In consuming the Eucharist, we are able to make a commitment to God that we will spread His love to the world. Though no one can be Jesus, we can try to make Him proud and carry out His work.
My classmates and I are blessed with the chance of becoming, in a way, modern-day disciples.
When I receive Holy Communion, I believe that God is inspiring me to live a moral life and trusting that I will follow in the footsteps of Jesus. I hope that when I administer the Eucharist to someone else, it does the same thing for them. It is not easy to stand in front of the church community and administer such a precious gift, but I put my trust in God that He will guide me, as should everyone.